Wednesday, September 12, 2012

austin: the conference.

i had been planning on going to austin for labor day all summer for the young single adult conference which was to be run by my good friend adam ruri. friday i was itching to get there so i left work a couple hours early and split with my friends shana and hannah [yeah, i didn't get invited to the rhyming names club]. three and a half hours of snacks, laughs and girl talk later we arrived in austin and the fun began. 

the conference consisted of night games, a few service projects, water games, a bangin' dance, and a few speakers. we met a lot of cool people, ate some great food, danced our hearts out and heard some inspiring talks that were so perfect to hear.

this was my first ysa conference [well, i would say that my entire four years at byu was a ysa conference...] and it will be hard to beat! here are a couple pics of the fun times.
it was so fun seeing my friend! and i got to meet his fiance, who is amazing of course. congrats you two!

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