Wednesday, December 9, 2009

my Father loves me

both of them. Heavenly and earthly. here's one reason why:

let me explain.

earthly (aka william): monday was a kind of rough day. all of what i had to do in the next three days was beginning to manifest itself, it snowed (which is fine, minus that it is f f freeeeezing), i was trying to figure out how to best manage all my tasks, i remembered how i desperately needed to do some laundry and i ran into someone i didnt really feel like seeing. so i got out of class at 6 and walked home. i was upset and didnt feel like going to fhe and another meeting i had to that night. i got home and ate some cereal and when upstairs. then katie told me i got something from my dad and it was on the coffee table. so i went downstairs and saw a bigger envelope than i was expecting. i opened it and inside was this magazine and a sweet card with money for olive garden from my dad. i just couldnt hold it in any longer. i went outside to put my laundry in and started to cry. hard. like a baby. in it's crib. i felt so loved and was so grateful that i have a dad who is willing to indulge me in silly things like the sexiest man alive issue of people (which i had been looking for in smith's every time i went). my dad is the best

heavenly: so on my way to fhe (and after i had composed myself) i called my dad and said thank you thank you thank you for the package it was so nice and the timing was impeccable etc etc. then he said wow you got it today? i just sent it on saturday. and i knew that was kind of a big deal because he has sent me just cards before and it's taken a week. thank you heavenly father for knowing exactly what i needed and exactly when i needed it.

isnt it funny how little things like this can mean so much and be so influential in your testimony? i love the little things.


leah marie said...

I absolutely love this post. really. and soo cute, because we both know it's kinda a big deal for your dad to indulge you in People magazine! cute.

finals? they got nothin' on you, babyy.
love your face.

Anonymous said...

i'm so glad things got better. :) and can we oogle over that on roommate christmas eve?!

Katie Marie said...

:) I love you Ahlin and love that you can actually LET your testimony grow from things like this!

And i agree with sarah. oogling on roommate christmas eve. done.