Monday, April 23, 2012

go forth to serve.

so technically i graduated in december... but since they don't have ceremonies then, i walked with the april graduates. and even though i haven't been taking classes for the last four months, it wasn't until i was in my cap and gown with my closest friends and family before i felt like it was actually over.

i would like to give a huge and sincere thank you to all who supported, encouraged, fed, and listened to me in the last four years. i couldn't have done this without the loving support of my friends and family, and even some super nice strangers. byu was an experience i will never forget. i have enough memories to last a lifetime and i have met the most amazing people who have become my byu family and very best friends.

i have grown closer to my heavenly father in ways i didn't know was possible. i trust that as i move forward and progress, i will never be alone and will be taught different things i need to learn. i am ready for whatever comes. i can do hard things.

now for the pictures. i'm not even going to pretend that there aren't a lot.
and the credit goes to beautiful lauren. thanks sis.
now let's all take a second and realize how handsome david is. really though.


Emma Checketts said...

so glad and proud of you! i love your cute family! congratulations!

emily said...

congrats lady

Georgina Florence said...

Oh my gosh. Our family is so cute and great. David is so handsome, and the kids are getting so big, and our mother is the most beautiful in the world, and dad is so supportive, and our sisters are precious and gorgeous. There are tears in my eyes after looking at this. I can't believe I wasn't there, Snister. I am so proud. So so proud. You are incredible. Did I mention that I hate that I wasn't there? I am sorry. My love travels across the mountains and plains to reach you. Love you forever.

Show me love.

Anna Matkin Hayes said...

ohhh MAN sooo cute!!!!! love these pictures. your family is amazing. i love the sign. perf.