Thursday, September 9, 2010

i get it.

so i did pilates yesterday. for the first time ever.
and i'm not gonna lie.
i was kind of bored during it. like i could tell my muscles were working but it was more of an uncomfortable burn than anything riveting or heart pounding, like running or cycling.
plus i'm the most inflexible and ungraceful person i know when it comes to stuff like that. and it didn't help when no one laughed along with me.
so i left wondering why on earth all the celebs do pilates religiously.

and this morning. i found out.

i woke up with intentions to go to the cycling class but one attempt at sitting up put me in my place. which was back in bed.
every muscle in my body was so sore and stiff. like holy crap. how am i supposed to ever laugh painlessly again?
i dont even know.

now i have to go back and show pilates what's up.
image via weheartit


ktb said...

haha. i love pilates... I haven't been in forever, but this post makes me want to go back!

Jennifer said...

Haha... that's too funny! Thanks so much for the nice comment on my last post!