Wednesday, March 17, 2010

true story.

three years ago today was a special day.

i was working as a cashier at best buy on a saturday night, the last day of spring break. i was tired, there was an hour left before we closed and i was ready to go home. a few guys come up to the cashier spot, one comes to me, the other three go to my friend. i looked at him and he looked really familiar... and he was extremely attractive.
let's back up real quick and let me paint you a picture of how i looked.
a few days before i had gone snowboarding and got scorched (bless me and my red hair and fair skin). seriously, it was bad. one of the worst sunburns i've ever had. so now my nose was still really red and peeling. boo. on top of that, when i got to work the gave me an oversized geek squad t shirt to wear (and tuck into my khakis. i hate khakis.) which i was like whatever. plus i was still an awkward highschooler with braces. cool.
now back to this guy. i looked at him and thought wow you are really hot and you look really familiar. he put a bag of trail mix on the counter and pulled out a fifty from his wallet. i guess i looked at him like, seriously? the total is $3.56. because he said sorry. i was like whatever, you're hot. as i was getting his change he got a phone call and i looked over at his friends. they looked familiar too...

then it hit me.

i hadn't been able to recognize him because his hair was different. i really hadn't seen him for a year. when i saw him he looked like this:
and now he looked like this:
except hotter. more like this:
as i looked at corbin bleu's hair and i heard 'zeke' talk and remembered that they were filming high school musical 2 in st george and i looked back at the beauty in front of me, my heart stopped. what should i do? should i ask him for a picture? no i look like crap. should i ask him to sign a piece of paper? no that's lame. by the time i was done thinking i had given him his change and he was over by his posse. i decided to just soak it in, steal [long] glances, and hope he remembers me as the girl who didn't freak out [outwardly] when she saw him.

yes. i sold zac efron trail mix on st. patrick's day. 


Arrington's said...

Okay bloggy bloggerton! I don't come on here for three days and you have a jillion new posts! I loved everyone just stating my excuses for lack of comments. I'm not going to lie, I think I would have given more then I care to admit to be the girl in a best buy shirt behind the counter selling trail mix to Zac-what-the EF-is-wrong like, isn't that every girl next door dream?

Haley said...

OH MY FREAKING GOSH. You are kidding me Ahlin! How come you have never told me that you met the god of all gods? (not literally of course...) But DUDE! What I would have done to be you!

This post changed my life.

Rachel said...

AHLINNNNN!!!! you were already like the coolest person i know...and now this. he is beautiful.

jordan said...

hahahaha how exciting! that IS a great day! your one-line-summary at the end just sums it up so well. i love it! happy anniversary ; )

Anonymous said...

I would have freaked out!! How great that it was on a Holiday!!

tiffany said...

haha this is AWESOME.

Unknown said...

Awesome story! haha, I probably would have freaked out. I know he's also just a person(but how can someone normal be so hot..?)

Brittany said...

OH my. I'm trying not to be terribly jealous. But I so am. Zac Efron will be my forever crush.

trishie said...

That's pretty awesome! you lucky girl to have met him in real life.

Beth said...

AMAZING!! He's SO HOT. I'd like to sell some trail mix to The Efron myself. Love it! p.s. I was just in American Fork two weeks ago staying with a friend to ski for the weekend. Love it!

Spatzi said...

Hahahhaha. I heart star sighting. They always crack me up! Topanga from Boy Meets World shopped at a store I worked at four years ago. Woot woot. Her hair really is that amazing! :)

Giovanna said...

Oh my! I'm the same way, when I see someone famous, I wish I could just ask for a pic or something, but I'm too shy for that :)

tvmom said...

no way...coolest story!

Anonymous said...

i think he is so dang cute. :)

Kiera said...

dude. thats awesome. i wouldn't know if i made out with a hollywood star. im seriously that dumb about them.

chelsea rebecca said...

oh. my. gosh.
way to keep your cool!!
ah.. i can only imagine how beautiful he is in real life!