Monday, April 19, 2010

hindsight is 20/20.

dear self,
do you see these two bottles? they don't look that different right?
notice that one has a red cap, self. what does red usually mean? i'll give you some examples:
wrong answer.
self, we should know by now that we should always read everything, not skim. from emails to test instructions, we have learned the hard way that skimming words just doesn't work.
at least, we should have learned.
if we had gotten it into our beautiful head, we would have noticed the bold print on the red-capped bottle says 
3% hydrogen peroxide 
and, being the smart person that we are, we would not have soaked our contact lenses in it all night and then proceeded to put one in our left eye which resulted in an instant burning sensation and a sudden scream of pain (rudely interrupting sarahmaines' story).
hey self. it's ok. i forgive you. we still did really well on the two finals we took that day. let's just get in the habit of reading labels and such things now, cool?
love, ahlin


emily said...

oh wow. glad you're ok!!

Stephanie said...

Oh my.

But on the bright side, this would make a really good story?

Mimi said...

hi! i'll keep your story in mind.

and thanks for your comment on my blog.

p.s. i am now your follower. follow me too? thanks! :)

Anonymous said...

hahaha, it did make for a great story. and i'm just glad you're okay! that was potentially very hazardous.

Christine Marie said...


You are a fantastic writer. And I'm sorry you doused your contacts in hydrogen peroxide. It's a fantastic blog post, though.

Kacie said...

this is hilaaarrious :)