my family, of course. i got to see gina and my dad this weekend which was nice, and watch sytycd with lauren and haley last night :) but, with the memory of trent's anniversary last weekend, i realized that i haven't seen blake, trent, or brooke since the wedding! not to mention all the griffith's! a whole year! that is no bueno. i guess that's what i get for being a poor college student with my life being consumed by books, papers, and making money.

colin and conlan. i miss these guys so much. they could seriously brighten up my day in two seconds, just from being around them. conlan is on his mission now, serving in houston, texas, and colin is in kansas (yeah i have a friend from kansas! ;) preparing before he leaves for his mission to the phillipines! i'm so proud of these guys and i love them a lot. they've been such great friends.
miss megan cousin and miss katie haskin! i miss these girlies so so much! katie got to come out here with her flying powers for a couple days a couple months ago and it was so good to see her. she is so fun and i love to be around her! plus she laughs at my jokes ;) and megan came out a few weeks ago too which was so nice. we did what we do best: ate cafe rio, exchanged music, and talked for hours, not to mention a mandatory scooter ride :) they are a couple of my best girl friends and i can't wait for them to move back to provo so we can see each other every day!
brian, or as we like to call him, bri bri (yeah, he hates that name a lot... oh well :) he left for a trip to the lake in montana with his family last wednesday and then he's going to canada for a little bit. but he has been my entertainment this summer! and now he's not here :( brian is my best friend and we have so much fun together and i can't wait until he gets back.
now, we've all heard me whine and complain about jen not being here... but it really does suck! she's my best friend, my soul mate, my twin, my other half and i'll stop before it gets too sketchy ;) it's already bad enough that she's not here so i can tell her every single thing that goes through my mind so i have to settle for texting (plus the occasionally skype) but when she was in london my texting amount went down significantly. it was rather pathetic how low it got. i think i went a whole day without texting anyone. so she was supposed to be gone for 5 weeks which was fine, sucky, but fine, we had been preparing for it. but then a week ago she gets diagnosed with mono! so her stay in minnesota became almost 2 weeks longer, and she will be coming back next thursday, the sixth. that's 6 1/2 weeks!!! :'(
my saving graces:
leah marie wasson. yes, she was gone for the first couple weeks and she did leave me here without notice for the long weekend, and our work schedules work out perfectly so that she leaves for work an hour before i get home but, we have had some good talks and good times. here is just a sample: harry potter at 4 in the morning, yelling boys names in the middle of the street at 2 in the morning, so you think you can dance, titanic til 4 in the morning. yes. i love her.
sarah and i have also become closer, especially with our wonderful adventurous weekend together (as seen in the previous post). she is so much fun and so beautiful and i want to be like her when i grow up :) krystle absolutely cracks me up. she is so amazing in every way and i love her. we wish she was staying to live with us in fall and winter but, alas, she's going to the flcr instead :(
this whole apartment has been so fun to hang out with: michael, brady, shane, eric, and steve. they all are so fun and funny and they can keep me entertained for a long time. but i think the only reason they keep me around is for my free massages... ;)
emron and james are hilarious, absolutely hilarious. we hang out with them almost everyday and we all have so much fun together. they are so original and fun and smart and they way they interact together is just priceless.
ONE MORE WEEK!!!!! :) :)
aww awelynn! i love you!
a. I heart this post. Look how many people who know and are close to that love you & care about you!! :)
b. I heart you, awelynn dearest.
c. I am so happy I can be one of your saving graces!! I love spending time with you & I'm so glad we have had this summer to bond!! Not sure what I would do without you to join in my crazy ideas & dance with & laugh with & do yoga & listen to my crazy stories... :)
Ahlin, I love you too:) If it makes you feel any better, I'm sad I'm departing from your guys' beautiful presence as well! PS-You're indubitably AMAZING!
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