yesterday was my beautiful mother's birthday (her 23rd i think... yep that's it). i called her and got to talk to her. i can only remember a handful of times that i've been with her on her birthday :( but we still have many more to come so i promise to come back, momma! :D
so here's a list of things i love about my maja. i would do 53 but that's a lot and i'm going on 2 hours of sleep right now (thank you harry) so i think i'll settle for 5+3. which is 8. which is her favorite number. ;)
1- i love it her nicknames for me, i.e. dollycake, ahli-girl, etc. actually, when i called her yesterday, before she answered the phone i could hear her in my head saying 'hey dollycake' when she found out it was me. lo and behold, she pulled through, word for word :)

2- she is so unbelievably selfless. i dont know of anyone else who loves people in general more and would do anything for anyone, especially her children. i know she's done things for me that i've never even realized and taken for granted. i cant remember the last time she did something solely for herself. those instances are few and far between.
3- my mother is BEAUTIFUL. absolutely stunning. i see her and am always amazed at how gorgeous she is. whenever any of my friends meet her, they are always in shock that she is in her fifties. it's true.
4- she is so much fun. she is always up for anything, be it shopping (she swears to hate shopping... yeah right. that woman can shop all day like it's nobody's business), going to the movies, working out, hiking, whatever. she just loves to be with us and is always so fun to be with.
5- gina and i kinda have a joke that we can always hear my mom coming because of her keys. it is unmistakeable. we have guess right 95% of the time that it is my mom and not someone else walking through the door because we can hear the keys jingling.
6- she loves me no matter what. whatever i do or accomplish, i know she'll be proud of me and support me and love me unconditionally. even with my crazy ideas like going to europe, she was there for me one hundred percent.
7- i admire how much she loves the gospel. i dont know anyone else, besides general authorities and recently returned missionaries who love the church and heavenly father as much as she does. she has always been such an example to me in all that she's dealt with and lived through and her sincere love for her heavenly father and all his children.

8- i am her favorite child. she cant really admit it but we all know it's true. i am her pride and joy ;)
i love you mom!!! i want to be like you when i grow up! hope your day was fantastic! :D
I Love the B and W picture! She IS beautiful, inside and out. And she produced some pretty amazing kids. Hates shopping? WHAT? Happy Bday Corinne!
PS. Love your new header. Cutie.
I love that mama of yours, too. Especially because she is a woman in my life who has had a strong influence. It is a testament to her that I feel like I could be her favorite child (okay not really, but I know she loves me) and I am not even technically her child. She is so good at showing her love.
She is so very beautiful and I hope she had such a wonderful day.
ps. i love the picture on the couch with 5 of her 6.
WOW!!! I am so touched Ahli girl. Thanks for such an awesome tribute. You never cease to amaze me oh favorite 19 year old daughter of mine.... i needed that. I love you so so much! Maja p.s. I might be growing out of the crazy key habit..maybe, ok only on sundays.
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